How to cancel your subscription

If you decide that Display NOW is not right for you, we totally understand and make it easy to cancel. We don't hide it like the other guys!

We do ask for your feedback so that we can improve. We put you the customer first, in everything we do. Incorporating direct customer feedback in a rapid agile manner is baked into our DNA - it's what we've done from the start and it's how we became successful. We don't just build things that sound cool to us. We build cool things that you actually need and provide value to your business.

Not able to accomplish something you want? Missing a critical feature that you need? If you're thinking "I wish it could do this" talk to us! You probably aren't alone. We're all ears.

If you have an idea or request, please reach out to us at

Need more time to evaluate our service? We want to make sure that you are thrilled with our service and are happy to give you more time.

You may cancel your subscription in one of four ways:

  1. Chat with us
  2. Email us at
  3. Cancel via the links from our emails. When you sign up, an email is sent to you with a link to manage your subscription.
  4. Via My Subscription tab in Digital Signage Manager (

All plans come with a 30-day money back guarantee so you can rest easy and try us risk free. No credit card is required to try our service.

On a trial? If there is no card on-file when your trial ends, you're subscription will automatically canceled. No further intervention is required.